By Sizakele Nduli
Leaving the comfort of a corporate job to pursue an uncertain dream is not for the faint-hearted. However, for Thembi Chauke from Pretoria, who founded Naturally Thembi in 2021, it was a leap worth taking. “The uncertainty of moving from a monthly income with benefits to the unknown is an unsettling feeling. In my case it was really challenging because it took close to a year before the business could sustain itself, however, my faith was greater than my fear,” she said. Her haircare brand has now grown into a thriving business. Chauke offers high-quality, homemade haircare products made from pure organic ingredients, catering to curly, relaxed, and dreadlocked hair.
She also educates customers on how to care for their unique hair textures. “Most people who use our products daily notice a difference within three to six months, and this is the result of thorough research and the quality ingredients we use. We continuously conduct research to keep improving our products,” Chauke explained. Her product line includes four key items: a deep conditioner and leave-in conditioner, each priced at R150, a hair growth oil for R160, and a moisturising shampoo for R80. Customers can also choose the complete set for R500, which includes free delivery, while an R60 delivery fee applies to individual items.
Chauke mentioned that although her products did not specifically target children, they were suitable for children who were two years and older. “Despite being homemade, we observe SAHPRA (SA Health Products Regulatory Authority) requirements to ensure the safety of our clients. “We also conduct market testing in a safe manner before launching new products and our retail partners ensure the products meet minimum requirements before placing them on shelves,” she said. Prior to leaving her job as a labour relation and HR specialist, Chauke implemented strategies to set her brand up for success.
She created an online store, developed product labelling and established partnerships with courier services and suppliers. Her presence in content creation also helped her attract clients early on. Her brand reached even more customers after securing spots on platforms like Takealot and Edenvinne stores. “Each platform has a supplier application process, and we followed the same extensive process. Having done most of the work on our products and brand beforehand helped make the process smoother,” Chauke shared.
The 33-year-old entrepreneur revealed to Vutivi News that she used all her provident funds to invest in production, though she admitted the amount was not substantial. “For the most part of last year, I couldn’t earn a salary, and as you can imagine, things were hard financially. However, things are different now,” she said. Currently, Chauke runs her business from home and employs three staff members on an as-needed basis. She also outsources some services, including accounting, to streamline operations. “The only holdup is space for storage. That’s the leap of faith I need to take, find bigger space to allow the business to grow and employ people on a full-time basis, so we can continue fulfilling orders speedily,” she said.
Chauke encourages aspiring entrepreneurs to take risks, emphasising that failure is temporary and that trying is essential for growth. “You owe it to yourself and the next generation to try. If you don’t try, you’ll never know. Failing is not permanent – if things don’t work out, you can always go back to employment, satisfied that you tried. That’s what I keep telling myself.” For more information or to purchase her products, visit: